Lets explore Aromatherapy, the art & science of essential oils

Essential oils are concentrated plant oils containing a combination of chemicals unique to the plant, herb, shrub, tree or grass that it came from. By understanding these chemical components and their action or patterns on our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual conditions, we can match oils to people in an effort to improve wellness.

In aromatherapy, we introduce these unique combinations of chemcial moleclues into the body via the olfactory system (smell) to help restore or maintain balance within you.

Essential Oils can help with physical conditions such as muscle, inflammation, immune system support, skin concerns such as eczema and psorosis, wounds healing, pain mangement, digestive, respiratory & circulation issues and in women's health including PMS & menopause.   

Emotional & mental health concerns such as stress, depression, anxiety, mood swings, self esteem & confidence, grief and emotional trauma can be supported by essential oils.

Subtle aromatherapy uses oils for emotional healing and spiritual quests. When used with intent in personal growth, essential oils can assist with grounding, focus and clarity in meditation, and are powerful tools when used in chakra work, reiki and other energy healing mobilities.